Canada Day 3

Saturday, June 24, 2023 9:17 PM

380 miles today. Roads have deteriorated! No more 4 lane smooth highways. Roads now are narrow rough and Heaving. (frost heaves) My speed has gotten slower. Less miles per hour. I pull over many times to let faster drivers go around me. My truck’s leaf springs will need to be replaced soon. They have totally failed and bed is now sitting on axel. Came across an accident that police and emergency people were already there and directing traffic around. A Semi truck towing a Huge CAT front end loader apparently got to close to shoulder and rolled everything into ditch. ALL the way over! Hope no one was hurt. OH! I saw a Black Bear cub all by itself crossing the road. Had phone camera set to grab shot but when I got close enough he darted back into the brush.

I am now in Dease Lake CAN.. A small spot on the road that has gas, groc. store and little hotel, very rustic. I’m hoping to reach "White Horse” tomorrow. It’s right at 400mi. Hard to judge how roads will effect my speed. Hoping the night after that, I can be crossing back into the USA! I guess if everythihg goes just right. Will try to make a little vid. after I have coffee!  Good night!

PS Absolutely No phone service now and in the last 200 mi. Hotel has internet so Im hooked up for now. Tomorrow, ??  We’re not in Kansas anymore